Post-Assessment: Health Literacy for Beginners
Read each question and select the best answer.
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1. What number should you call if there is an emergency?
2. A health history form helps a doctor know about a patient’s:
3. Obesity is:
4. When you go to the doctor you pay a set fee and your insurance pays the rest. This set fee is called:
5. Which food has more sodium?
6. A person who feels well and goes to the doctor is having a check-up.
7. Vitamins are a nutrient.
8. Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can have side effects.
For questions 9-12, select the correct answer using this medicine label.
9. How often should this medicine be taken?
10. Whose prescription is this?
11. How many tablets should be taken per day
12. What is the name of this medicine?
13. Which one shows a healthy diet?
Assessment updated May 2018
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